Beta 19 Mid Update

Beta 19 Mid Update

It's been a while since I last posted here; I haven’t been in the right mindset to write an update. Although the project is very active, and I've posted a few updates on its dedicated website (accessible to the initial beta testers), I just didn’t have the energy to write something here. Losing my buddy Alireza—mentioned in my last post—hit me harder than I expected. However, like everything in life, we humans tend to adjust, even if it's more about adapting to the new normal rather than fully accepting it. I’d say it’s like being born again with a new set of settings every time something drastic happens. Anyway, in this post, I’ll do my best to keep everyone updated on where we are now. One More Feature It feels…
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This too shall pass: On the loss of my buddy, Alireza.

This too shall pass: On the loss of my buddy, Alireza.

I've tried many times in the last few weeks to write about an utterly tragic incident in my personal life, but I found myself speechless every time. I lost one of my closest friends of all time – definitely the closest in the city. I'm trying my best to write a few lines in the hope of being able to move on or at least cope with it. I got to know Alireza about ten years ago when I graduated from engineering school and was moving to Vancouver. He was my cousin's fiance, Susan, who married her a year later. We formed a friendship group with my cousins and some of our friends. We called it the Vlad Group – Vlad was the name of a kind Armenian officer we…
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