It’s been a while since my last blog post was published here. Meanwhile, we have released seven updates for the app (two major releases and five bug fixes). With the app’s recent update (version 0.21 beta), we eventually concluded the project’s Beta 16 phase, which unexpectedly stretched a few months. In this post, I’m describing what we’ve been through during Beta 16.

The Elephant
Something happened in September 2022 (#MahsaAmini) that affected some of our Iranian team members. It has been rough, devastating, and disappointing. I’d written a relatively detailed story about what we went through as a team during the last few months. Still, I ended up removing it from this post. Maybe some other time.

These events hugely interfered with the typical workflow in our team, hindered us, and impacted the project development’s timeline.
The Show Must Go On
Like any other fiasco, for instance, COVID-19, we eventually found our way through it, but it did cost us many months and some mental health.

It’s been almost a couple of months since we adjusted our workflow to be able to move forward on our plan under the new circumstances.
Launch Opportunities
The recent new features we’ve implemented shaped the identity of the social network we’re developing and added up to our excitement.

Beta 18 – First Potential Launch Opportunity
We’re almost two phases away from the first Potential Public Launch Opportunity (PPLO) we devised in our plan (Beta-17 and -18, comprising practically six major releases).
Beta 19 – Second Potential Launch Opportunity
However, there are good odds that we may keep developing the app further for another phase (Beta 19, comprising two major releases) to get to the second PPLO.
Beta 20 – Ideal Potential Launch Opportunity
Then, we could continue for another phase (Beta 20, comprising another two major releases) to approach a spot we call the Ideal Launch Opportunity. The end of Beta 20 is when we think we are probably prepared to launch (if such a phenomenon exists and is reachable at all)
We decide whether to launch (publicly) or not when we get to each of these stages. Remember, like any other planning, it is subjected to many amendments as we move forward.
Alright, that’s about it!
Until the next update, stay positive and safe!