It was an eye-opening and tough phase. Put us a week behind our timeline. That’s, however, not a big deal compared to that we are not really optimistic that the current state of the world let us hold our full-scale beta test by the end of Beta 5 phase.

Love vs. Logic
It’s really ironic that as much as we love to get our app out, we may unconsciously procrastinate because of this novel coronavirus pandemic. Deep down, we know it’s really not a good or even a regular time to start promoting the app.

It’s doesn’t mean that we’re not working hard enough; it means we’re a little reluctant to take over the key tasks to get prepared for a public announcement. Somewhat, because most of those key-tasks such as creating and ads campaign should be done way differently than what had in our minds because the standard way doesn’t work under present circumstances.
The Unknown and The Obvious
Anyway, we completely understand that it’s not just us, It’s a really a tough time for anybody across the globe to be able to predict near future, even as close as a couple of months ahead.

One thing is evident: if the situation doesn’t drastically change within the next month (that is already a bit impossible), we have to skip the beta testing of the app and move on to implementing some of the features from the future versions of it. This implies keeping everything stay under the radar for another few months. That sucks big time! And I’m aware it’s consequences.
Under The Radar Disorder
When you don’t get feedback from actual end-users on a project that you’re working on for a long time, and when you cannot even talk about the different challenges you encounter during that journey, your level of enthusiasm will eventually start to degrade.

You start questioning everything. Worst of all, you may just keep moving in the wrong direction in terms of solving the problem you started the project for.
Staying Focused – Our Choice for Now
Anyway, under current circumstances, it’s best just to postpone any decision making until when they have to be absolutely made. That point for us is the end of the Beta 5 phase. Therefore, until then, we’re not going to sway.

In the next couple of phases, we’re going to do some prep work for the beta testing program that we may announce at the end of beta 5.
Alright, till the next update, stay safe.