Alpha 7 is done!

Alpha 7 is done!

"The only disability is one's refusal to adapt" - Alpha 7 is done! The last three months were full of unforeseen challenges for me. Went to Malaysia to update my team in person and guess what? Everything tore apart! Meetings went fine as usual, but a couple of days in, we encountered a huge operational problem. Trump administration's embargoes against Iran, hit us too which is pretty devastating as we have no ties to any Iran-based entities or organizations. We're not even based in Iran. But as I was born in Iran, and I'm the director of the company, banks of Malaysia decided to close my personal and our company's account. You have no idea how simple things like a small money transaction now is a big headache for us.…
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A big favor to yourself

A big favor to yourself

When somebody doesn't have the capacity to be great, doesn't share the vision you have, is not grateful for what you bring him into, and doesn't understand how hard did you work to get here ... and thinks he is brilliant enough to take advantage of your position, or your friendship with him... Do yourself a big favor ... show him a big "F#--#K YOU" and leave him behind... let him be happy with this unreal idea of being awesome, great persuader, whatever... Sorry...but this is the case for many of my recent so-called friends..., so sad. - With Sadaf and MiladTN @BCTV - Season 4, #Permaisuri , #Kualalumpur , #Malaysia
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Alpha 6 is done!

Alpha 6 is done!

We've just released Alpha 6! You have no idea how elated we are. We made two tribble mistakes along this journey so far, and the latter one was during the development of Alpha 6, but we recovered, and now we're almost back to our track again. I'm not a kind of guy to talk about the process of creating something while it's still under development as I can't see the point. After all, nobody knows how many more mistakes we may make in the remained phases. I'm just trying to update those of you who are interested, of our significant milestones, like finishing an actual stage. Another reason I'm not talking about my programming carrier and my life as a software developer is that It's not that much fun, exciting,…
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Tough days are coming to pass

Tough days are coming to pass

Everybody has their own definitions of tough days. One of mine goes back to the days we started recording the BCTV's very first show, KL News. It was 20-minute weekly show reporting the significant news happened during that week in Kuala Lumpur, with a focus on the relevant stories to the Farsi speaking community of Malaysia. We'd just started, and honestly, we didn't have much team members, so I vividly remember how each of us was burdened with tasks of several actual cast members. I was fortunate that I had those passionate co-founders in-house and along my side (Reza, and Hasan) who at least tried their best to remain enthusiastic for the first three months. Although after a spate of difficulties and troubles their level of optimism waned and I…
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Cycles of calm and chaos …

Cycles of calm and chaos …

The only order in the universe is just a cycle of calm and chaos….“Don’t let the rain drive you to the wrong shelter; the shade can turn out to be your protector and also your destroyer, and sometimes the rain is the perfect protector from the rain.” __ Michael Bassey Johnson 📷 8 years ago today, Kuala lumpur, Malaysia
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Alpha 5 is done!

Alpha 5 is done!

Alpha 5 is finished, and I’m super excited! We’re getting close to the day. The last phase started with all sort of setbacks, especially in my personal life, but I guess I’d eventually learned the way to cope with inevitable ups and downs of life, and therefore I managed it pretty well with minimal disruption. What’s next?We’re about to welcome a couple of new team members in the next phase. After all the country’s economy is a complete fiasco, imposing much stress on me, it’s really about time we finished up our work here. PS: Alpha versions are our app's in-house versions which we release internally before the app’s public release.
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